New Year, New Goals

Welp, 2024 is over and another year of adventure stands before us. I have to admit that 2024 was not what we had planned. We did get out to explore throughout the year, but I didn’t get many of the videos out as I wanted. Some of these adventures will come to video in the coming weeks, but at the same time, life happened and we weren’t able to get out as much as we had planned. This isn’t going to change any time soon, so I guess I’ll just have to figure out how to make this work.

So what am I going to do different in 2025? Hopefully, a lot. I have been on a health journey over the last two years that has gone okay, but could be better. The next step is to make some healthier choices when it comes to our food. You can’t out work a bad diet. With that said, we will be adding some food segments to our video line up for 2025. None of us are professional chefs, but we like to cook and we like to eat even more, so why not share our favorite recipes with our favorite people?

We will be getting back to a more regular schedule of video releases throughout the year. I am not sure what the frequency of the releases will be as of this writing, but we will let you know soon. There is a lot that has to go on to get a video out and like I mentioned before, life gets in the way. We’re figuring out the balance right now, but we aren’t going away, quite the contrary. We want to come back strong and continue to grow with your help. Sharing our adventures is a fun hobby for us, so we’ll keep doing it. This also means that we need to focus a little more on our social media, so you won’t just be seeing links to videos. We want to interact more with our followers and become more of a community, so let’s get posting friends!

One more thing I would like to add is using this blog to pass on more information to you as kind of an addition to our videos. The blog is meant to pass on some of the information that doesn’t always make it into the videos and it is a tool that we need to use more, so we’ll use it more often for that purpose.

We wish you well going into the new year. It is a time of hope and new beginnings and we hope that you have a lot to look forward to. It’s easy to get caught up in the darkness the world seems to be giving us lately, but I hope you can join us in keeping our head up, stay moving forward and look for the best in what we have. Thanks for being here and good luck in 2025!



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