Beach Days and Beautiful Memories.
I have a home in California and I am 100% dedicated to finding the beauty of this place. Living in Utah my whole life I learned early on the beauty there. California is a dream destination for so many people. They even talked about it one Sunday in church. They asked why anyone would ever live anywhere else because the weather is perfect. We were told that we can see 75 degree days in December. Instead of an ice castle we could be building a sand castle on Christmas day. Why would anyone not love that? We're still exploring and learning what this beautiful state has to offer.
We went to Carpinteria State Beach about an hour and a half north of us. Even with the sanitation department detour we made it easily in that time. The drive took us up part of the PCH which was crazy cool. I would love to be passenger instead of driver one day on that road. The ocean has so many things to look at. There is something called a Seal Rookery that we passed on the map that I'd love to go see one day. I think that a Seal Rookery is a place that seals go and have their babies but it's a new concept to me so it will be a new adventure one day soon. We could also see oil rigs out in the ocean. It was my first time seeing one of these outside of a movie. You know, like the one in that movie Armageddon with Bruce Willis. Good movie, definitely worth watching. We were told to get the tar balls off of us with lighter fluid or baby wipes. TAR BALLS! Lets be honest here, I still have a few small spots of tar on me that I didn't scrub off well enough. It wasn't noticeable while we were there, just after we got home and cleaned up. I'm easily excited by these little quirks so I left them to show Brandan, who wasn't as impressed.
I guess I thought that every beach was basically the same. I learned that some have bigger waves than others. Some are sandy and some are rocky. Some are warm, some are smelly and some are in a category all on their own. Disney's private island, Castaway Cay, spoiled me a little bit. It is beautiful white sand that is perfectly clear and warm. Snorkeling there was one of the best memories ever. I'm sure that is a lot of what heaven must be like. Carpinteria State Beach is alive with animals. We had a seal playing ten feet away from us. I was told its a great beach to see dolphins playing in the morning. There was even a big sign to drag your feet to avoid stepping on sting rays. The beach is surrounded by camping areas and it was packed solid on a regular old Wednesday afternoon.
We picked up some body boards like we were planning and spent most of our day learning how to use them. Turns out you don't just float along the waves. There is a technique to it that I didn't quite get down well. Our little miss is a natural at anything and had a few good waves take her in. We also got tossed around pretty good. The water was the color of a milk shake as it crashed on the beach and we had sand everywhere. I'm still trying to get sand off. I showered well but I am still finding it on my skin. I'm not sure we will ever get it all out of the car. I am sure we will never get it out of our house. I think if we started to save it all up we could make a beach of our own one day.
We have a lot to learn about beaches. We have a lot to learn about what makes a great beach. We have a lot to learn about what to do at each beach. People jog there! I can barely walk there and some people are out there running. It seems like running the wrong way on an escalator to me but to each his own. Some people sit on the beach and watch the water for hours. Some people just play on their phones. I think part of the fun beaches have to offer is that there is something for everyone. There is an entire shore line full of different kinds of beaches and we are going to do our best to explore a lot of them.
For now we are beach newbies. We are learning the ways of the waves. Each trip out we learn a few more little tips and tricks. For example, baby powder is supposed to be magical for getting sand off. I have no idea how well it works but I will have some next time I go to the beach. We would love some tips or even just your favorite beach. Do you have a favorite beach destination we should check out next? Hit us with a comment and let us know what our next beach destination should be.
Beauty is where you look for it, everyday is a new blessing, and literally there is sand everywhere. Until the next memory in the making we will say goodbye for now. See you soon!